As a rule, CHEC Wellness happens on the second Sunday of each month. But Mother’s Day is the second Monday! So make sure to take note that this CHEC Wellness will be on Sunday, May 3rd.
Dr. Bryant will be speaking about “Super Foods that Fight Cancer.” The cooking demonstration will be by JoAnn Rachor (via video). The recipe will be “Broccoli Cheese Soup & Focaccia.”
The amazing menu will be spaghetti, meatballs (plant-based), vegetables, garlic bread, and Chef Miguel’s Brownies and Ice Cream!
Make sure to reserve your place by
calling Eric Rose at (316) 530-1040 or
emailing [email protected].
WHEN: Sunday, May 3 at 1:30 pm
4558 N Hydraulic Ave
Wichita, KS 67219
Donations are thankfully accepted to help cover food costs.