At our last CHEC Wellness we enjoyed Chef Miguel (and his lasagna!) as he told us some of his herb
secrets. For this next event, Vicki Griffin, MS, MPA will be giving a talk entitled, “Hearts on
Fire: Taming the fires of chronic inflammation, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.” Vicki has
traveled all around the world sharing simple solutions to many health problems that face the modern
lifestyle. She is an author, speaker, and Director of the Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention
series. This series includes the Balance Magazines and the Balance health tracts that you may have
seen around Wichita at several locations including Galichia Heart Hospital.
We also plan to enjoy another wonderful demonstration by Gina Stearman on how to make Gluten Steaks.
For lunch we’ll be able to taste the gluten since it will be incorporated into the main entre of
“Gluten Stroganoff.” Side dishes will include spinach salad and steamed broccoli and cauliflower.
For dessert there will be cherry crisp!
Don’t forget to invite your friends to come along with you! RSVP to Eric Rose at (316) 530-1040 or
[email protected]
Donations are thankfully accepted to help cover food costs.