CHEC Wellness

  • 01:30 PM
  • 4558 N Hydraulic Ave; Wichita, KS 67219
  • (316) 530-1040



Two of the best cooks in the CHEC “family” are doing a cooking demonstration for December’s event. Chef Miguel is sharing one of the “secrets” to his cooking- the herbs that bring the food to life. If you haven’t attended one of his cooking classes where he talked about herbs in depth, I’m sure you’ll escpecially enjoy this.

Gina Stearman, co-author of the Guilt-free Gourmet cookbook series, will be demonstrating how to make Gluten Steaks. These steaks are a delicious meat substitute and may just help you out at the family’s Christmas dinner…

The menu for lunch will include Chef Miguel’s great stuffing and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pecan pie, and more.

Don’t forget to invite your friends to come along with you! RSVP to Eric Rose at (316) 530-1040 or [email protected]

Donations are thankfully accepted to help cover food costs.