CHEC Wellness / CHIP Club (Event 5)

  • 01:30 PM
  • 4558 N Hydraulic Ave; Wichita, KS 67219
  • (316) 530-1040


The typical American eats out about 4-5 times per week, and many other meals are often a quick snack in the morning or something eaten while driving. To try to combat these unhealthy on-the-go lunches, CHEC Wellness is planning it’s September theme around how to pack a healthy lunch. Paula Curry will be giving a cooking demonstration on this topic, and the menu will be Chicken-style Wraps, Miguel’s Potato Salad, veggie sticks, and Maple Cookies. Dr Kevin Bryant will be giving a health talk entitled, “Is What You’re Eating, Eating You?”

CHEC Wellness is held at the Wichita Community Health & Education Center at 4558 N Hydraulic in Wichita. RSVP to Eric Rose at (316) 530-1040 or [email protected]

The event is free, but donations are kindly accepted to help cover the cost of the food.