
CHIP Commencement & Testimony

If you think lifestyle change isn’t easy, try walking to Denver and back while learning to change your diet!  Fortunately, no one walked all that way alone!  This recent (August, 2013) CHIP class picked Denver, CO as their round-trip destination and as a combined class, actually walked and exercised there and back. The commencement exercises…

CHEC Wellness – March 10

A…CHOO!  This familiar sound may plague you this spring, so we thought a talk about hay fever might be necessary..  Kevin Bryant, MD will talk about hay fever and how to treat it naturally at the March 10 CHEC Wellness event.  Chef Miguel Larcher will be making vegan lasagna for lunch, so make sure you come hungry!  For…

Gardening – Feb 10

If you don’t think gardening is one of the most interesting and useful hobbies on the planet, I hope you will after our next CHEC Wellness.  On February 10, I’ll share some of the concepts I’ve gathered from both books and practical experience that will make your gardening easier and more productive. Some Background I…