
About Wichita CHEC

The Wichita Community Health and Education Center, CHEC for short, began in 1993 with a group of people dedicated to the belief that health could best be gained and preserved by simple, natural means.  During the more than 20 years since then, many programs and large amounts of educational material have been given to the local community.  Our staff is made primarily from volunteers in both the medical profession as well as those simply interested in health.

The Complete Health Improvement Project (CHIP), The Depression Recovery Program by Dr. Neil Nedley,  CHEC Wellness, and several other programs are offered on a routine basis.  We invite you to experience “Wellness for the Whole Person” in your own life as you meet our team and continue in your journey of health and healing.

Why Health?

In 2022, the number 1 cause of death in the United states was Heart Disease. Two more of the top 10 causes were Stroke and Diabetes, at #3 and #8, respectively. These are shown here, because they are the ones that are majorly preventable, when the right health principles are followed! This is not medical advice, and each person has a slightly different physiological requirements. However, applying certain dietary principles, along with exercise, sleep, and more has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and even reverse heart disease and diabetes in many people!

The following data regarding mortality rates of Americans in 2022 was taken from cdc.gov

#1: Heart Disease: 702,880
#5: Stroke - 165,393
#8: Diabetes - 101,209

Dr. Kevin Bryant, M.D.

Dr. Kevin Bryant currently leads out in the CHEC Wellness program and presents on topics such as reversing diabetes, improving sleep, and preventing heart disease. He and his wife Sherlyn have two children, Greg and Heidi.

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